Sunday 17 September 2017

Eternal and unchanging.....?

Or is it?

Just found this article again on the Wayback Machine - I thought it had gone completely.  A fascinating read for those who think the Roman Catholic Church has never altered its teaching on anything... non-infalibility


  1. Hi Sister Tibs.

    Thanks for your message. Happy Jack is fine - I'm taking some time-out as I have a few operations to undergo. One down and one further to come. Just collecting my thoughts and spending time with the family.

    Once again, thanks for your concern. Hope all is well with you.

  2. HJ - good to hear from you and yes, all well here. Our retired PP is saying a mass for your speedy recovery when he comes back from Rome - I did have to explain that I had no idea of your real name, he said he was sure that the Holy Spirit would direct the intentions to the right address :) God bless you and your family.
