Tuesday 24 June 2014


Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back,
Guiltie of dust and sinne.
But quick-ey'd Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning
If I lack'd anything.
"A guest," I answer'd, "worthy to be here," Love said, "You shall be he."
"I the unkinde, ungratefull?
Ah my deare I cannot look on thee."
Love took my hand and smiling did reply,
"Who made the eyes but I:"
"Truth, Lord; but I have marr'd them:
let my shame Go where it doth deserve."
"And know you not," sayes Love, "who bore the blame?"
"My deare, then will I serve."
"You must sit down," sayes Love,
"and taste my meat."
So I did sit and eat.

[George Herbert: "Love"]


  1. Hey Sister,

    Fantabiso stuff!

    As I said on Cranmer,

    Sister Tibs you are a real Mensch [that's a compliment btw]; intelligent, articulate, passionate and doubtless a hot babe! That husband of yours is a lucky man & the guys on Cranmer should appreciate your contributions there, one of the reasons why I still have any time for the Roman Catholic Church (:

  2. I'm blushing :) Thank you very much for the kind words. I think any credit I had to being a "hot babe" is probably a good 20 years ago, but I think my husband will smile at the rest of it :)

  3. Hi Sister Tibs,

    good post as usual!

    Sam! "Sister Tibs is a hot babe". You can't say that sort of stuff! OK, you asked, before you met her, if my girlfriend had got "long legs, big tits and a hot ass", but for those who don't know you, will take offence at such stuff!

  4. Sister Tibs,

    Been reading the blog,I just don't have a lot of time to comment on sites. Take my brother with a pinch of salt, please don't be offended, he is only 34 & has yet to settle down into married life .

  5. David, I'm in no way offended :) It put a smile on my face, actually - makes a change from being called the resident heretic over at Cranmer. It's a strange setup there, that I so often seem to end up defending the more liberal wing of the RCC because so many of the Catholics there are very traditionalist (though not as much so as Alfonsus who seems to have just shown up there) :)

    1. Ah, jolly good. I experience the same thing with my community. I constantly clash with the Haredi (Ultra Orthodox) on so many points I'm often portrayed as a liberal .But liberals see me as a RWinger hawk...

  6. Nice to know I'm not alone in this, David. Most people who know me think I'm very middle-of-the-road as Catholics go. But I don't at present post on any ultra Liberal sites, so I haven't been told to go join the SSPX yet (ultra-right-wing Catholic schismatic sect) :)

    1. Ah Sister,

      Indeed. I even got compared( by a fellow Jew) to Phyllis Schlafly, who apparently has wonderful principles which I don't have when it comes to gay relatives (forgetting of course that in Judaism and I believe RC'ism life and family are core to the belief). I did look up this person and apparent she is one of yours.... the joys of blogging and how everyone wants you to be boxed into one camp or the other. Strange as that isn't how human beings work....

  7. "I'm very middle-of-the-road as Catholics go."

    Ummm .... a very Anglican quality. Jack suspects you just enjoy a jolly good discussion. The more heated, the better.

  8. There's some truth to that, HJ. I enjoy an intelligent debate and you never get that by only talking to people who agree with you. :)

    1. Sister Tibs ,
      I was trying to explain the other day how Sephardi Judaism didn't have a 'reformation' in the same way Aszkenazi did, so I did actually use you and Happy Jack as examples to explain how different views can be accepted within a religious tradition :).

      Right this is me done. Off to Cranmer now to see what has been going on. Has he returned yet? See you over there some time.
