Sunday 23 March 2014

Thoughts for Lent

Over the next weeks I will be posting a number of images linked for me to Lent - always a time of reflection, and this time for me a time of thinking about pain.  Other people's pain.  Pain I inflicted, or that was inflicted in my name (with or without my knowledge), or pain that I became implicit in through my silence.  It is no accident that at the start of the Roman Catholic Mass we ask the forgiveness of God for what we have done and for what we have failed to do, and more than one other Christian denomination adds the request for forgiveness for what was done in our names.

The image for today is a rose, and the poem accompanying it is by Joseph Mary Plunkett.  A simple reminder that Jesus will carry his cross to the end of the world, in the pain of his people.


I see His Blood Upon the Rose
I see his blood upon the rose
And in the stars the glory of his eyes,
His body gleams amid eternal snows,
His tears fall from the skies.
I see his face in every flower;
The thunder and the singing of the birds
Are but his voice—and carven by his power
Rocks are his written words.
All pathways by his feet are worn,
His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea,
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn,
His cross is every tree.


  1. Sister Tibs,

    Thanks for this reflection or Dvar Torah as we would call it, if it were Jewish. Whilst I am not of your faith, I appreciate , your humble attitude, your honesty your lack of pomposity and if you don't mind me saying so, even more so, because I am aware that being a vet surgeon requires a lot of study, intelligence, knowledge etc. One or two could learn for you .


    PS- just thought I'd point out that your 'times' on the posts and comments are probably set to the Californian default, as they don't match GMT. (unless you are an ex-pat, in which case ignore that observation!).

  2. You're absolutely right about the time zone thing, David. I hadn't even noticed (mea culpa). Will try to fix that later.

    Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm never sure when posting here whether anyone is actually reading, and it's always encouraging to find they are!

    Aleikhem shalom
