Thursday 17 April 2014


This has been my meditation for Holy Week - the subject of betrayal.  At what point did Christ know that Judas would betray him?  Was he even to the last hour hoping that this was not going to happen, that somehow things could be different?  Had he chosen the man in the certain foreknowledge that this would be who gave him up to the shame and the executioners?  Or had Judas free will, and right to the last, could he have chosen differently?

Every branch of the Christian faith would probably give you a different answer.  I think this has been on my mind this week because of some of my own problems in real life - and they seem so petty.  Troubles at work where two groups of people are each blaming the other for something that if it is anyone's fault at all is almost certainly between the two.  A governing body which I fear is going to seize on a convenient scapegoat and either punish one or both simply so they are seen to do something.  At present nobody is blaming me, but I am squarely between the two groups with the feeling that at any moment either group could turn on me to try to shift the blame.

And a prayer I don't like to even think about is nudging its way into my consciousness.

If someone blameless is to carry the blame in the end - why shouldn't it be me?  I call myself the follower of Jesus Christ who was delivered innocent to his tormentors, shamed, scourged and nailed to a tree? 
If it is inevitable that blame will be dealt out, and punishment will follow, and the punishment will be unjust no matter who it falls on - better it should be me?  Better that it should fall on my shoulders than a young vet who would be devastated by it?  If a fine is to be levied, better that it should fall on me than someone who in having to pay it would lose their home?  If public shame is going to follow, better that I should carry that than the other people who would lose jobs if it happened?

I can't ask it.  Not yet.  I pray for the justice I don't expect, and that somehow that justice will indeed prevail and this whole cup may pass.
And I pray for the strength that if justice does not prevail, that I might actually be able to pray that this falls on me, and not someone who will be destroyed. 

Dear Lord, take this cup away.  Let this pass.  But not my will, but thine be done.


  1. Now, now Tiberia.

    God doesn't expect us to quietly embrace injustice in the temporal arena to advance His Kingdom. Indeed, I think He expects the opposite. Hopefully, all the people you mention will have professional representatives to fight their corner and you too.

    My advice, and I've been in these situations more than once following the "preventable" deaths of children, is to be honest. There are always enquiries and searches for individuals to blame to protect the reputation of organisations. At these times, my prayer is to have the courage to speak frankly and truthfully about my actions and those of others and to offer an opinion too. If an injustice follows, then it is the time to decide what to do and not now. And remember, there are Industrial Tribunals as well as professional associations.

    Why give the persecutors an advantage now?

  2. Thank you HJ, it's good advice and I'm not really as depressed as this post makes me sound! It's simply that I've seen how this organisation handles inquiries and have thought more than once that their priority often appears to be that they should be seen to be doing something, a punishment should be handed out to encourage the others, and if the guilty party is the one that actually ends up with the punishment, that's a bonus but not a necessity.

    Will forget about it now for the rest of the weekend - large glass of wine waiting when I get home from work tonight, and then I'll start writing the next letters tomorrow. :)

  3. Cup of tea and a chocolate digestive then - remember, plain chocolate.

